Swap Lightning to On-chain Voucher Zero Fee
See how to swap from Lightning and get On-chain Voucher with zero service fees.
In this article we will examine the case in which we want to swap Lightning Sats to On-chain. This can be the case for many situations. Some of them are:
because you accumulated Sats from Lightning purchases and want to go on-chain to your hardware wallet (for example)
because you had on-chain bitcoin, you converted to Lightning and now you want to go back on-chain. You may have done something like this for privacy enhancement purposes.
(many other cases)
Normally the Hodlers finally want to have their bitcoin on-chain for savings, better in a cold storage. But they can get Sats when they are paid, for example, using btcpay server or lnbits or any wallet. Or they can get Lightning Sats because they are purchasing directly Lightning (for example Lightning Vouchers). So at the end it’s possible to swap on chain and put your precious bitcoin on your cold wallet.
The most nice method is purchasing an on-chain Voucher and pay it with Lightning. This can be achieved using the BitcoinVoucherBot (a Telegram Bot which is a marketplace of services by several different providers). The number of services, tools and providers offered by this platform is always increasing day by day, so it’s easy to find a tool which may be useful for you as a Bitcoiner concerned with privacy and usability.
Here how to do that
First obviously go to BitcoinVoucherBot on Telegram. You dont need any registration or to provide any data. The whole procedure is free and automatized.
Run the command /start (if it is the first time you are using the Bot). Then run the command /swap. As usual you can find the Web Swap Facility. In this case you can find a new button on top, that is the service we are just describing.
Just click on it (LN to bitcoin On-chain). This is a service where you send Sats by Lightning and you receive the corrsponding Voucher with onchain bitcoin to be redeemed to your address. Please note that taproot destination address is not supported. You will asked for a native segwit Bitcoin address.
At the first step, you will be asked on how many sats you want to swap. There is an allowed range, so please choose a value that is within this range. This is the amount of sats you are going to send in Lightning.
Then simply you will get a Lightning invoice of the corresponding amount. This invoice will be valid only 10 minutes. You can just pay it using your preferred wallet. When correctly paid, just wait for the swap to be completed. Needed time is from 15 minutes to 1 hour. When complete you will receive an onchain Voucher in the Bot chat of the amount swapped (less miner fees obviously).
You can then simply redeem that Voucher as usual, clicking on the link on it. The redeem is Telegram based as well.
That’s it. Simple, effective and zero fee.
This kind of swap are everyday more necessary as soon as the need of Lightning increase for day-to-day payments. Lightning transactions are increasing in reliability and for this reason, many people are using Lightning also as a way to stack sats. At a certain point it becomes necessary to swap to go back on-chain, and this is a good way to accomplish such a goal.